Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Forgive and Forget?

"For the second time in a week, I find myself asking your forgiveness." -Jack

The next day finds Raina racing through Steel Canyon. She had scented John there and had noticed that he was once more without any obvious escort. Excited as this opportunity had dropped practically into their laps, Raina called for assistance, but was not answered. She tailed him and watches as he met with some sort of robots. Aware of the foolishness of attempting to take him down by herself, Raina settled for watching from a nearby skyscraper. However more people began to gather around John and she decided that the time for action had passed and left before she was spotted.

She tried a few more times to raise her teammates on the comm and talk to Jack psychically but gradually gave up. She received a coded message from Morris, stating that he was in the D waiting for her. Regretful that Jack would not be able to join her, Raina headed for the D. The two greeted each other warmly and Raina quickly caught Morris up on everything, including John's latest upgrades. As Morris began to offer her new ammo and ordinance, they were interrupted by the arrival of Grim, Rusty and Ashley.

Since Ashley had been a strong supporter of John, Raina and Morris were justifiably hostile and suspicious. However, Raina quickly calmed Morris when Grim explained that Jack had already checked out Ashley. However, upon finding out that the reason that no one had answered her was that they had been training, Raina found herself feeling hurt and left out. Why hadn't she been included in the training? They were a team weren't they? They hadn't even told her that mass training was even planned today. She summoned anger to hide the hurt feelings and, for the most part, tried to ignore them as she talked to Morris.

Morris as always was helpful with suggestions on overcoming John's armor and goons. Even giving them ideas for taking out John's tank when he stormed City Hall later that week, as Ashley warned them he was going to do. Eventually the meeting broke apart with some cryptic words from Xa'phan and the group headed back to base. Still feeling very hurt and angry at having been excluded from training, Raina decided to do a favor for a contact in Independence Port and left.

The contact, a tailor named Lauren, offered her a new outfit in return for convincing the Crey to leave her be. Outside, Raina found plenty of horde monsters to take her anger and hurt out on without any guilt. Jack, realizing how angry Raina was, wisely kept his mouth shut and let Raina do as she liked, but did end up helping her take down the last few Crey that she targeted.

She then headed back to let Lauren know that she shouldn't have any more problems, while Jack headed back to base. In gratitude, Lauren gave Raina a new dress and matching accessories before letting her go. Raina showed up to the base, her anger now a dull simmer. She watched as Grim worked with Ashley until Jack asked to speak to her alone. Agreeing, she followed him up to their room.

There, Jack apologized for leaving her out of the training, stating that it hadn't been intentional and they hadn't realized that she had no way to contact them. Raina cited that her restless cat was making her edgy and temperamental and that she should know better and be able to let go. The two talk and eventually make up and start discussing a new skill, sharing senses. They experiment with first Jack joining with Raina's mind to smell the world as she does. In turn, Raina practices on using Jack's eyes. Eventually, their mutual desires grow to be too much to put off and the two settle to bed in each other's arms.

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